The yeomans plow can help alleviate deep soil compaction.
Many farms struggle with subsoil compaction, hard pans or soil compaction at 8-20 inches. Compaction at this depth prevents proper drainage, and causes water and nutrients to run horizontally in the soil rather than vertically. This compaction prevents proper nutrient uptake by plants and creates problematic runoff situations. A Yeoman’s plow is fitted with specially designed shanks at adjustable lengths to target this subsoil compaction.
Model: custom-made for SCCD
Tractor Attachment: Pull Type or 3 pt hitch
Weight : 3,000 lbs
Travel Width: 8 ft
Cultivation Width: 8 ft
Tractor Size Needed: Depending on soil conditions and number of shanks used, at least 40 Horsepower. In most conditions found in NH at least an 80 horsepower tractor is ideal.
Rental Rate: $100 plus $10 per acre