HB.246: Shape a Strong Farm Future!

HB. 246 seeks to support the NH Conservation Districts Climate Resilience Grant Program! As climate related challenges grow, additional financial support for this critical program is needed!

Shape a strong farm future for Granite State farmers! Opportunities for support include attending an upcoming hearing, contacting your representative, or providing testimony on how this grant program has impacted you or why you feel this program is needed!

This legislation is currently in the house finance committee with a hearing scheduled on Thursday, January 23rd at 10:00AM at the Legislative Office Building: 33 N State St., Concord, NH 03301

One of the most impactful ways to make your voice heard is to attend the hearing and/or contact members of the house finance committee.

View information on what to expect at the hearing and points to highlight for in-person, digital, and phone testimony, here!

Talking points in testimonials in person at hearings or submitted online should focus on how the grant:

  • Helps farmers produce more food and be more profitable – tell a story on how this grant has helped farms with increasing production and increasing profitability. 

  • This is a good investment for NH – invests in strong farm businesses and is good for the agricultural economy

If you are interested in attending a hearing to show your support or provide an in person testimony please contact info@cheshireconservation.org to let us know that you plan on being there!

Other Remote Opportunities for Support:

Submit testimony online prior to the hearing of this bill (HB 246):


For the online submission form: Select the committee:( Finance) and the hearing date (1-23-25) and the bill number (HB 246), then simply type in what you want to say in the box provided or upload a PDF file with what you want to say.

You can view submitted online testimony here:


Call and/or email individual members of the committee and ask that they shape a strong farm future through HB. 246. The committee members are listed here: 


Submit a testimony for the districts to share at upcoming hearings through our google form, here!


2025 Spring Plant Sale


Announcing the 2025 Climate Resilience Grant